AAPS Crisis Response Protocol

  • 为所有学生提供安全的学习环境是美高梅博彩的首要任务. Assessment, planning, development of protocols, 培训和评估是确保学生的教育不会因任何安全问题而中断以及确保工作人员得到适当培训以应对任何紧急情况的关键组成部分.

    Emergency and Crisis Response
    美高梅博彩发生创伤性事件或危机时, the district provides planned, specific intervention. 该地区尽最大努力做好准备,在危机期间满足受影响个人的需要. 每个工作人员都有潜力在危机情况的管理中执行任务或发挥作用. 该地区有协议作为工作人员应对角色的指南. Training and evaluations are an important part of the response process.

    Procedures and Protocols

    The district has a three-level crisis response team protocol.

    • School Teams - Each school has a crisis response team, which includes a team coordinator, medical liaison, counseling support, family liaison, social worker, psychologist and a member of the local law enforcement division.
    • 集群团队——第二级团队由中学集群划分,创建5个支持团队. Each crisis cluster team is responsible to support a set of schools. 当该地区的一所学校发生紧急情况时,群集小组向学校报告以提供援助.
    • District Teams - The final level of support is at the district level. The district crisis team reports to the scene and assists the cluster team.

    FEMA Guidelines
    该地区采用联邦应急管理局的预防-缓解、准备、反应和恢复指导方针. 每所学校的工作人员,包括急救人员和管理人员,都接受了本应急协议的培训

    Emergency Response Resources

    • Emergency Response Flip Charts
      每个教室和办公室都有一个应急指南,设计成一个易于使用的挂图. These are posted on the wall of the room for quick reference. 这张挂图给出了各种紧急情况的分步说明,包括医疗紧急情况, bomb threats, fire, weapons, unauthorized visitors and severe weather. Parents are welcome to view the flip chart in the classrooms.
    • Emergency Response Manuals
      每个办事处都有一份载有协议的应急手册, crisis response teams and contact information, and a variety of direction and support materials. Parents are welcome to review the manuals in the school offices.
    • AEDs
      Every school in the district has at least one AED unit. Staff is trained in the proper use of the units. They are placed in strategic location(s) at the school.
    • “To Go” Bags
      Each classroom has a bag that contains basic first aid equipment. Each office has a more comprehensive bag of first aid materials. 学校护士与危机小组工作人员协调确定了这些袋子的内容. 它们被放置在房间里,以便在紧急情况下方便使用.

    在评估紧急情况并确定需要紧急救护单位后,立即拨打911电话. 在所有AAPS程序下,911呼叫是在初步评估后采取的第一个行动(如果合适的话).

    CPR and Emergency Response
    School staff has basic knowledge of emergency response and P.E. teachers are trained in CPR. 欢迎家长查阅每所学校提供的危机应对手册. The district takes emergency management and response very seriously. We know that we are responsible for students when they are at our schools. 培训和演习都是工作人员为紧急情况做好准备的持续过程的一部分.

    Local Law Enforcement Coordination
    该地区与包括紧急医疗服务在内的地方和区域应急管理提供者有着非常密切的关系, Fire and Police. We jointly plan and participate in emergency response. 当地执法人员是三所综合高中的工作人员,是警察和学校之间的联络人. 他们是地区危机反应小组的成员,随时可以提供程序性的建议和协助. 执法人员也参加了在全区举行的各种演习.

    Critical Incident Stress Management – CISM
    该地区的许多工作人员都接受过紧急事件压力管理方面的培训. 这些训练有素的工作人员是每个小组和地区小组以及许多学校小组的成员. 拥有CISM认证的AAPS员工已经完成了华盛顿县和CISM专家的正式培训计划. 美国儿科学会的工作人员在紧急情况下提供协助,并在危机发生后为家庭和学校工作人员提供帮助.

    REMS Grant – Readiness Emergency Management for Schools
    2008年,美高梅博彩获得了美国教育部的资助. 该地区获得了资金,聘请了一家专业的应急管理公司,审查和修订该地区使用的应急管理协议. This 18 month long process included the development of enhanced protocols, training of staff in emergency response methods, 为每所学校提供新的应急资源,并进一步与当地执法部门协调. 在2009年春季补助金完成后,将有一份关于REMS补助金活动的完整报告提供给每所学校.
    School Nurses
    所有AAPS护士都是注册护士,并且需要获得密歇根教育部颁发的学校护士证书. 州教育委员会要求有三个级别的认证:临时认证, standard and professional. 学校护士需要继续他们的教育,以达到“专业”水平的认证,以及持续的专业发展,以保持密歇根州的执照. 该地区的护士每月举行一次会议,以合作和提高他们的技能,以促进健康和安全,并对学生的需求作出反应.

    You can access the school nurse requirements at: www.michigan.gov/mde/ and click on the certification law/rule/policy link.

    The Ann Arbor Public Schools takes emergency readiness very seriously. 已实施的议定书旨在使工作人员做好准备,以便在当地应急人员的支持下及时评估事件和应对紧急情况.

    February 2009